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Thursday, November 19, 2009

When Will I Get it Right? (October 2007)

Oh Man! I'm eight years into this journey with a food allergic child and I still am making mistakes.

Ben turned 8 on Oct. 5th. One of the joys of being able to host his party at our house is that the menu fits Ben's needs. The only cake option for Ben's party-goers is wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free and nut-free.

This year, we had a "Cowboys and American Indian" theme. I used my skills learned from our POCHA cake-decorating class to put out a beautiful cake (mix courtesy of Cherrybrok Kitchens carried at Target) complete with an American Indian figurine on top. It was WAY better than those rice krispy treats I had to serve at his first birthday party.

But in the moments before the party, I had a flash. I wasn't sure I had grabbed the right cake mix. I ran to the recycling bin, and dug out the packages. I discovered that I had, in fact, picked up the packages that were NOT wheat-free! Ben couldn't have this cake at his own party! Talk about your mommy guilt.

Eight years down this road and you'd think I could get it right.

But as Ben shrieked with his friends, running amok in our backyard and then gobbled up the quickie, but ugly, wheat-free cupcakes that I was able to whip up, I realized that I am getting it right.

We're celebrating eight years of a healthy, happy, well-adjusted boy. And that's what really matters. It's not about cake, but it is about life and celebrating in all its ways, and about forgiving myself for making an honest mistake.

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